Instrumentation development for perspective space researches
1Korepanov, VYe., 1Lukeniuk, АА, 1Pronenko, VO, 1Dudkin, FL, Marusenkov, AA, 1Shеndеruk, SG 1L’viv Centre of the Space Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, L’viv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015, 21 ;(2):15–26 | |
Publication Language: Ukrainian |
Abstract: The ways of decreasing the flux-gate magnetometer temperature zero drift are studied. A new method to decrease the drift by creating a special configuration of measured magnetic field compensation field is proposed. The principle of the functional diagram of the system for scientific information processing and collection (SSIC) building for nano-satellites is designed. High-speed interface for data transfer from SSIC to radio line is developed. A large amount of data from microsatellite “Chibis M” and experiment “Variant” on board the satellite “Sich-1M”, which were registered by onboard instruments manufactured in LC ISR, are processed. An emission from power lines at the frequency of 50 (60) Hz and Schumann resonances modes which are penetrating to the ionosphere above the F2 layer were observed in these experiments |
Keywords: data processing, flux-gate magnetometer, ODHS, radiation, Schumann resonances |
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