Lightning in the Earth’s atmosphere
1Gala, IV, 1Kozak, LV 1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015, 21 ;(3):18–26 | |
Publication Language: Ukrainian |
Abstract: The paper analyzes the problematic topics of lightning physics, i. e., the energy of storm cloud formation and conditions for the origin of discharge. In analyzing the mechanisms of formation of a storm cloud, we pointed to the specific role of ascending and convective processes, condensation nuclei, and high-energy particles in these processes. Conditions of appearance of lightning discharges in the clouds depending on the electric field intensity are considered. Cosmic rays of high energy and break-through on runaway electrons are shown to be of importance in this phenomenon. Considerable attention was given to the determination of the conditions necessary for the appearance of such a break-through, including storm cloud size and energy of inoculating fast electrons; the energy of such electrons has to exceed 1014 eV for cloud-ground lightnings and 1012 eV for cloud-cloud ones. In addition, the value of the current change in the break-through is analyzed for two “engineering” models, namely, model of Cho-Raycfort and model of Stekolnikov. We have found that the model of Cho-Raycfort can be used for describing the break-through characteristics in high-altitude lightning discharges, and the model of Stekolnikov describes well the cloud-to-ground lightning discharges. |
Keywords: conditions of break-through, cosmic rays of high energy, high-altitude lightning, lightning in the atmosphere, the formation of storm clouds |
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