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Фильтры: Ключевое слово - дистанционное зондирование Земли  [Показать все]
1Hotynyan VS, 1Buinitnitskii IO, 1Minkevich NA. Experience in building a digital picture of Ukraine from high-resolution space images. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):070-072.
1Kotlyar OYu., 1Tovstyuk ZM, 1Pererva VM, 1Yefimenko TA, 1Sedlerova OV, 1Shulga VI. Fluidal and neotectonic factors in the formation of desired signal on space images in the studies of the geological structure of sea areas. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):180-186.
1Osadchyi VG, 1Prykhod'ko OA, 1Hrytsyk II. Geothermal condition and outlook for oil and gas deposits in the north-west Black Sea shelf. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):206-208.
1Fedorovskyi OD, 1Yakimchuk VG, Ryabokonenko SA, Pakhomov IP, 1Sukhanov KYu. Interpreting space images of landscape systems on the basis of structural analysis. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):076-083.
1Fedorovskyi OD, 2Zubko VP, 1Yakimchuk VG. Mathematical basis of an algorithm for the formation of space equipment complex for a scientific and applied RSE program. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):073-076.
1Lyalko VI, 1Sakhatsky AI, 1Khodorovsky AYa., 1Zholobak GM, 1Buyanova IYa. Possibilities for the prognostication of the productivity of cereals from multizonal AVHRR, NOAA, and Landsat TM images (by the example of the Kyiv Region). Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):249-254.
1Pererva VM, 1Kostina TI. Predicting the zones of development of secondary collectors from satellite data. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):197-200.
1Pererva VM, 1Arkhypov OI, 1Busel HF, 1Levchik EI, 1Rybak EA, 1Oskan'yan TV. Present state and avenues for the development of the satellite techniques for the prognostication of oil and gas deposits. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):201-206.
1Lyalko VI. Present state of the art and prospects of aerospace investigations of the Earth in Ukraine. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):029-035.
1Voloshin VI, 2Dranovsky VI, 1Bushuev Ye.I. Present state, prospects, and problems of the service market in the remote. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):041-051.
