Radiophysical instrumentation complex of the «Sich-1» satellite

1Dranovsky, VI, 2Dyunyashev, VV, 3Evdokimov, AP, 4Efimov, VB, 5Igolkin, VV, 5Kalmykov, AI, 3Komyak, VA, 3Kryzhanovskiy, VV, 4Kurekin, AS, 5Levantovskiy, VYu., 5Levda, AS, 2Rybin, VV, 1Saltykov, Yu.D, 5Fetisov, AB, 4Tsymbal, VN, 3Shilo, SA, 3Yatsevich, SE
1Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
2Public Joint Stock Company «Research Institute of Radio Measurements», Kharkiv, Ukraine
3O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
4A.I. Kalmykov Center for Radio Physical Sensing, NAS of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
5A.I.Kalmykov Center for Radio Physical Sensing, NAS of Ukraine and National Space Agency of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1998, 4 ;(2):12–20
Язык публикации: Russian
Based on the analysis of advantages of complex use of the information from active and passive radar systems, we ground the structure and parameters of a space-based radiophysical instrumentation for remote sensing in a Ground-atmosphere system. We give some examples of observations of natural environment and analyse the results obtained.  
Ключевые слова: remote sensing, spacecraft, «Sich-1» satellite
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