The application of a topographic correction method of multizonal space image data for the classification of forest cover in mountainous terrain
1Lyalko, VI, 1Shportiuk, ZM, 1Sakhatsky, AI, 1Sibirtseva, ОN 1State institution «Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2003, 9 ;(4):094-098 | |
Язык публикации: Ukrainian |
Аннотация: A new topographic correction method of multizonal space image data for the classification of forest cover in mountainous terrain is developed. The method was tested by the classification of forests of Western Sayani mountain areas, Siberia with the use of the Landsat-7 ETM image data. It is shown that the topographical correction essentially improves classification results.
Ключевые слова: mountainous terrain, space image data, topographic correction method |
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