Project: Development of a new method for analysis of planetary dust toxicity aiming on perspective space missions

1Borisova, TA, 1Krisanova, NV, 1Pozdnyakova, NG, 1Pastukhov, AO, 1Borysov, AA, 1Dudarenko, MV, 1Paliienko, KO, 1Shatursky, OYa.
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2018, 24 ;(6):69-73
Язык публикации: Ukrainian
The manned extraterrestrial missions and planetary exploration require an assessment of the toxicity of planetary dust. Preparation of perspective space missions (especially Lunar station-related upcoming plans) requires urgent development of a methodology for the rapid assessment of toxicity of environmental compounds.
             Recently, the working group of the project was the first who showed the absence of significant neurotoxic effects of Lunar and Martian dust simulants, but the toxic properties of a mixture of Martian dust simulant particles and carbon nanoparticles. These experimental data were published in peer-reviewed journals, such as Microgravity Science and Technology (Pozdnyakova et al., 2017) and in special issue of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Dunne et al., 2010). The proposed project involves the development of a new methodology, evaluation algorithm and equipment, as well as relevant models that can predict and determine biosecurity of dust particles.
Ключевые слова: biosafety, manned extraterrestrial missions, method for dust toxicity evaluation, planetary and interstellar dust, risk assessment, toxicity of dust
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