Time variations of ion composition in the topside ionosphere during the 1 august 2008 solar eclipse

1Kotov, DV, 2Puliaiev, VA, 3Chernogor, LF
1Institute of Ionosphere of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Institute of Ionosphere of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine
3V.N. Karazin National University of Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2009, 15 ;(5):34-42
Язык публикации: Russian
The results of observations of ion composition behaviour in the topside ionosphere during the 1 August 2008 partial (phase is 0.42) solar eclipse are presented. The measurements were carried out using the Kharkiv incoherent scatter radar. It is shown that during the main phase of the solar eclipse, in the 450–650 km altitude range, fractional content of protons increased to 50 % as compared with the control day. The start of fractional content increasing was different at the different altitudes and increasing above 560 km was advancing the solar eclipse start above the observatory. We suggest that this effect can be interpreted by the lunar shadow approaching to the observatory from north.
Ключевые слова: ions, solar eclipse, topside ionosphere
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