Embryo development in Brassica rapa L. plants under clinorotation
1Popova, AF, 1Ivanenko, GF 1M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2003, 9 ;(Supplement2):041-043 |
https://doi.org/10.15407/knit2003.02s.041 |
Язык публикации: Ukrainian |
Аннотация: Our results of comparative study of embryo formation in Brassica rapa L. plants under slow horizontal clinorotation and in laboratory control are presented. The research is executed on embryos of identified age, which was achieved by the marking of flowers after artificial pollination and by the use of temporal fixation of the plant material. Successive stages of embryo development up to their full differentiation (3–21 days after artificial pollination) are investigated. A significant similarity of peculiarities and rates of embryo development at early stages of embryogenesis is revealed in both variants. As a whole, the differentiation process of embryos in conditions of slow horizontal clinorotation and in the laboratory control proceeded identically. However, some cases of disturbance in the cotyledons and radicle development of embryos, generated under altered gravity, are noted. Disturbances revealed in embryo differentiation can be a reason of decrease of quantity and viability of seeds generated under changed gravity.
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