Atomic Oxygen in Low Earth Orbits: a Retrospective Review Study

Mahmoud, WM, Elfiky, D, Robaa, SM, Elnawawy, MS, Yousef, S
Space Sci. & Technol. 2023, 29 ;(2):32-44 knit2023.02.032
Язык публикации: English
The article presents a retrospective review of atomic oxygen (AO) research in low Earth orbit (LEO). The space environment of LEO is a barrier to all satellites passing through it. Several of its constituent parts pose a great danger to satellite materials and subsystems. Such orbits are convenient for remote sensing and experimental satellites. In order to maintain the operational level of spacecraft, it is necessary to carry out thorough studies of the LEO environment and its components. AO, which is a hyperactive state of oxygen, is considered one of the most dangerous components of the LEO environment. It can react with many materials and thereby change the physical, optical and mechanical properties that affect the functionality of the satellite. To maintain the satellite in its orbit with a certain margin of reliability, it is necessary to reduce the aggressive influence on it of the environmental components of LEO. Predicting the impact of AO on materials that will be used in space ensures their correct selection. The work provides some recommendations for the creation of AO facilities for testing materials exposed to the aggressive influence of the space environment.
Ключевые слова: atomic oxygen, coronal mass ejections, Low Earth Orbits, space environment
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