Determination of the concentration of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere by the remote sensing and the cartography-analytical assessment of the geospatial distribution of its values

1Trofymenko, PI, 1Zatserkovny, VI, 1Kokosha, LO
1Educational and scientific institute "Institute of Geology" of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University St. Vasylkivska 90, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2024, 30 ;(4):34-37
Язык публикации: English
This article covers the issue of improving the methodology of remote determination of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere using the Copernicus Program — Sentinel-5P and MOD11A2.061 Terra satellite systems, as well as the cartographic-analytical assessment of its geospatial distribution. The specified methodology provided for remote determination of the concentration of greenhouse gases CH4, CO, and NO2, development of maps of the distribution of the determined concentration on the territory of Ukraine, localization of areas of formation of the intensity of emission and sequestration of greenhouse gases taking into account data on the soil cover, abiotic conditions of the territory and anthropogenic influences, in particular, military activities. A set of maps of the geospatial distribution of CH4, CO, and NO2, greenhouse gas concentrations, the temperature of the Earth’s surface within the warm period (01.05—30.10) during 2019—2022, as well as a map of the geospatial localization of the maximum concentrations of greenhouse gases within the warm period of the research time interval developed according to the results of emissions from soils, landscapes, production facilities, and combat zones.
           It was determined that for the warm period of the year, on average for 2019—2022, the optimal temperature range within which the intensity of nitrogen dioxide emission on the territory of Ukraine reaches maximum values is from 13 to 19 °C. If the temperature of the Earth’s surface exceeds the value of 20 °C, the volume of emission emissions is significantly reduced. It is shown that soils with different emission and assessment status are widespread in Ukraine during the warm period. In the South and Southwest of the state, soils with the highest emission capacity of methane to the atmosphere prevail, in particular Jc49-1/3a — Calcaric Fluvisols, Lg54-1a — Gleyic Luvisols, Kh31-2a — Haplic Kastanozems, Gh23-3a — Humic Gleysols.In large cities, as well as in the territories of the South-East of Ukraine, where normal chernozems (Ch22-2a) / (normal chernozems) are common, the maximum concentration of NO2 in the atmosphere is formed, which is caused by the influence of the high temperature of the earth’s surface and the localized consequences of Russia’s military aggression. It was revealed that over the past 4 years, there has been a trend of decreasing CO concentration, which indirectly indicates the negative impact of Russia’s military aggression, a decrease in industrial production, and the relocation of production facilities to the west of the country.
Ключевые слова: cartographic-analytical assessment, emission, greenhouse gases, landscapes, RES, sequestration, soils
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