Tropospheric-ionospheric effects of the 3 october 2005 partial solar eclipse in Kharkiv. 2. Modeling and discussion
1Lyashenko, MV, 2Chernogor, LF 1Institute of Ionosphere of the NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine 2V.N. Karazin National University of Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2008, 14 ;(1):57-64 | |
Язык публикации: Russian |
Аннотация: The thermal structure and dynamical processes that occurred in the thermosphere-ionosphere system during the 3 October 2005 partial (24 %) solar eclipse are modeled. The solar eclipse is shown to cause an significant increase in the plasma fluxes in the 340‒410 km altitude range, respectively, a decrease of 5‒15 К in the neutral temperature in the 300‒360 km altitude range, a decrease of 40‒20 % in the energy inputs to the electron gas in the 290‒340 km altitude range, and a decrease of 17‒13 % in the electron heat flow in the same 290‒340 km altitude range. The effects which were observed in the thermosphere-ionosphere system near Kharkiv during the 11 August 1999, 31 May 2003, 3 October 2005, and 29 March 2006 solar eclipses are compared.
Ключевые слова: neutral, plasma fluxes, tropospheric-ionospheric |
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