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Автор Заголовок [ Год(Asc)]
1Voloshin VI, 2Dranovsky VI, 1Bushuev Ye.I. Ecology and Space. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):052-056.
1Kochubei SM. Equipment and methods for the remote sensing of vegetative cover in the optical range. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):271-275.
1Stankevich SA. Estimating the linear resolution of digital aerospace images. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):103-105.
1Hotynyan VS, 1Buinitnitskii IO, 1Minkevich NA. Experience in building a digital picture of Ukraine from high-resolution space images. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):070-072.
1Kostyuchenko Yu.V. Experience in the use of the satellite interferometry in the RSE techniques. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):115-121.
1Kotlyar OYu., 1Tovstyuk ZM, 1Pererva VM, 1Yefimenko TA, 1Sedlerova OV, 1Shulga VI. Fluidal and neotectonic factors in the formation of desired signal on space images in the studies of the geological structure of sea areas. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):180-186.
1Osadchyi VG, 1Prykhod'ko OA, 1Hrytsyk II. Geothermal condition and outlook for oil and gas deposits in the north-west Black Sea shelf. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):206-208.
1Podorvan VM, 1Fillipov Yu.F. Ground-based certification of the results of the remote sensing of hydrogeological objects. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):166-169.
1Fedorovskyi OD, 1Yakimchuk VG, Ryabokonenko SA, Pakhomov IP, 1Sukhanov KYu. Interpreting space images of landscape systems on the basis of structural analysis. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):076-083.
1Pererva VM. Lithospheric flow structures and their investigation by remote sensing techniques. Косм. наука технол. 2002 ;8(2-3):174-180.
