Optical fiber sensors for heat-protection ablation
1Gornostaev, GF 1Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2008, 14 ;(3):012-018 |
https://doi.org/10.15407/knit2008.03.012 |
Мова публікації: Russian |
Анотація: We present some results of the development, tests and application (by the stand investigation of HIM) of optical fiber sensors of heat-insulation materials linear ablation. The methods for measuring and the design of the sensors for the NPO «Energiia» and KB «Novator» (Russia) are described. The technology for manufacturing the ceramic tip equipped with optical fiber ablation sensors is developed. The range of the measurement of the parameters of the sensors which were tested is: Pe= = 0.04...11 MPa, Te= 1100...5000 K, q = 1.6...42 MW/m2, Vy = = 0.2...2 mm/s, Tw= 600...2400 K.
Ключові слова: heat-insulation materials, heat-protection ablation, optical fiber sensors |
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