Infection process of wheat streak mosaic virus in clinostated Apogee wheat plants

1Mischenko, LT, 2Kiihne, T, 1Mischenko, IA, 1Boyko, AL
1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Federal Center for Breeding and Research of Cultivated Plants, Institute of Plant Protection and Diagnosis of Phytopathogens, Aschersleben, Germany
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2003, 9 ;(5-6):211-215
Мова публікації: Russian
A long-term clinostating of Apogee wheat plants impedes the wheat Streak mosaic virus reproduction. The infection disappears sooner in vertically clinostated plants than in horizontally clinostated ones.
Ключові слова: clinostating, wheat plants, wheat virus
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