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1Kislyuk VS, 2Shkuratov Yu.G, 1Yatskiv Ya.S. Exploration of the Moon from space: tasks, potentialities, and prospects of the Ukrainian science and engineering. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(1):03-15.
1Gornostaev GF. Fiber-optics sensors and prospects for their application in the space programme of Ukraine. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(2):88–94.
1Ivchenko MV, 2Blecki J. Generation of ion-cyclotron waves in flux transfer events. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(3):97–102.
1Kostyk RI, 1Keselman IG, 1Osypov SN, 2Lebediev NI, 2Oraevskyi VN, 2Zhugzhda YD, 2Kopaiev IM. Helioseismological CORONAS—DIFOS experiment. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(1):34–40.
Anon. In memory by Anatolij Kalmykov. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(1):115-115.
1Krishnamurthy S. India: Space Technology for National Development. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(2):95–101.
1Karachun VV, 1Kolosov VN. The influence of an external acoustic emission on wave processes arising in multiphase mechanical structures on board spacecraft. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(1):68–72.
1Pererva VM, 1Lyalko VI, 1Filipovich VE, 2Shpak PF. Information from the "Sich-1" satellite used in solving actual problems in the oil-gas geology. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(2):49–54.
1Gorbenko ID, 2Stasev Yu.V. Information security in space communication and control systems. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(3):64–68.
1Fedorenko AK, 2Ivchenko VM. Infrared molecular emission in limb sounding investigation of the upper Earth atmosphere: a review. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(3):89–96.
