Information technologies and systems in space research: state and prospects

1Grytsyk, VV
1State Research Institute of Information Infrastructure National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1998, 4 ;(4):03-20
Publication Language: Ukrainian
We present some results of the main fundamental and applied investigations in the field of information technologies and high- performance computing systems for the space exploration which were carried out at the Computer Science Section of the Western Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine The main scientific papers are reviewed. The current stale and prospects of the research and developments and their place in the world science are considered.
Keywords: information technologies, space communication
1. Dragan Ja. P, Pogribnoj V. A. Ustrojstvo korrekcii amplitud impul'sov, 9 p. A. s. 784537 SSSR, MKI G 01 T 7/00, No. 2796197/18-25; Zajavl. 17.07.79; published 16.03.81, Bull. 4 [in Russian].
2. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja izmerenija parametrov potokov jenergichnyh chastic, 14 p. A. s. 862699 SSSR, MKI G 01 T 1/16, No. 2852710/18-25; Zajavl. 17.12.79; published 16.10.81, Bull. 2 [in Russian].
3. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja issledovanija parametrov potokov chastic, 6 p. A. s. 1080096 SSSR, MKI G 01 T 1/16, G 01 T 1/36, No. 3346675/18-25; Zajavl. 12.10.81; published 15.03.84, Bull. 10 [in Russian].
4. Fedoriv R. F., et al. Impul'snyj radiometr, 12  p. A. s. 1097083 SSSR, MKI G 01 V 5/10, No. 3475377/18-25; Zajavl. 28.07.82 [in Russian].
5. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja opredelenija mikrospleskov, 7 p. A. s. 1103689 SSSR, MKI G 01 T 1/16, No. 3540045/18-25; Zajavl. 18.01.83 [in Russian].
6. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja adaptivnogo szhatija informacii, 2 p. A. s. 11794113 SSSR, MKI G 08 G 19/28, 15/06, No. 3710938/ 24-24; Zajavl. 11.03.84; published 15.09.85, Bull. 34 [in Russian].
7. Fedoriv R. F., et al. Generator kvazipuassonovskogo impul'snogo potoka, 4  p. A. s. 1274129 SSSR, MKI H03K 3/84, No. 3911358 / 24-21; Zajavl. 12.06.85; published 30.11.86, Bull. 44 [in Russian].
8. Fedoriv R. F., et al. Sposob opredelenija unipoljarnosti segnetojelektricheskih kristallov, 2  p. A. s. 1276965 SSSR, MKI G 01 N 22/ 00, No. 3835634/24-09; Zajavl. 27.12.84; published 15.12.1986, Bull. 46 [in Russian].
9. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja obrabotki izobrazhenij ob#ektov, 4 p. A. s. 1295427 SSSR, MKI G 06 K 9/36, No. 3946553 / 24-24; Zajavl. 27.08.85; published 07.03.87, Bull. 9 [in Russian].
10. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja adaptivnogo szhatija informacii, 3 p. A. s. 1320827 SSSR, MKI G 08 C 19/28, No. 3866884/ 24-24; Zajavl. 05.03.85; published 30.06.87, Bull. 24 [in Russian].
11. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Dvumernyj cifrovoj fil'tr, 5 p. A. s. 1320876 SSSR, MKI H 03 H 17 / 00, No. 4058682 / 24-09; Zajavl. 21.04.86; published 30.06.87, Bull. 24 [in Russian].
12. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Korreljator, 6 p. A. s. 1339584 SSSR, MKI G 06 F 15/ 336, No. 4053704 / 24-24; Zajavl. 20.02.86; published 23.09.87, Bull. 35 [in Russian].
13. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Del'ta-moduljator, 4 p. A. s. 1345349 SSSR, MKI H 03 M 3/ 02, 7/ 32, No. 4047426 / 24-24; Zajavl. 27.02.86; published 15.10.87, Bull. 38 [in Russian].
14. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Cifrovoj fil'tr s del'ta-moduljaciej, 2 p. A. s. 1347188 SSSR, MKI H 03 M 3/ 02, H 03 H 17/06, No. 3993168 / 24-24; Zajavl. 17.12.85; published 23.10.87, Bull. 39 [in Russian].
15. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja peredachi kodovyh soobshhenij, 5 p. A. s. 1348883 SSSR, MKI G 08 G 13/28, No. 3672445 / 24-24; Zajavl. 12.12.83; published 30.10.87, Bull. 40 [in Russian].
16. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja fil'tracii televizionnogo signala, 3 p. A. s. 1363534 SSSR, MKI H 04 N 5/14, No. 4100554 / 24-09; Zajavl. 05.08.86; published 30.12.87, Bull. 48 [in Russian].
17. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Cifrovoj fil'tr, 5 p. A. s. 1385263 SSSR, MKI H 03 H 17/04, No. 4152402 / 24-09; Zajavl. 26.11.86; published 30.03.87, Bull. 12 [in Russian].
18. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Del'ta-moduljator, 3 p. A. s. 1388992 SSSR, MKI H 03 M 3/ 02, No. 4103358 / 24-24; Zajavl. 11.08.86; published 15.04.88, Bull. 14 [in Russian].
19. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Korreljator, 3 p. A. s. 1425711 SSSR, MKI G 06 F 15/336, No. 4075380 / 24-24; Zajavl. 11.05.86; published 23.09.88, Bull. 35 [in Russian].
20. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Ustrojstvo dlja peredachi i priema telemetricheskoj informacii, 4 p. A. s. 1481828 SSSR, MKI G 08 C 19/28, No. 4194553 / 24-24; Zajavl. 14.11.86; published 23.05.89, Bull. 19 [in Russian].
21. Fedoriv R. F., et al. Fotometr, 5  p. A. s. 1509616 SSSR, MKI G 01 J 1 / 04, No. 4136059 / 31-25; Zajavl. 20.10.86; published 23.09.1989, Bull. 35 [in Russian].
22. Gritsyk V.V., et al. Matrichnoe vychislitel'noe ustrojstvo, 3 p. A. s. 1509920 SSSR, MKI G 06 F 15/16, No. 4247605 / 24-24; Zajavl. 20.05.87; published 23.09.89, Bull. 35 [in Russian].
23. Fedoriv R. F., et al. Sposob izmerenija intensivnosti svetovogo potoka i fotometr dlja ego osushhestvlenija, 7  p. A. s. 1556286 SSSR, MKI G 01 J 1 / 44, No. 4325130 / 31-25; Zajavl. 09.11.87 [in Russian].
24. Fedoriv R. F., et al. Fotometr, 5  p. A. s. 1577474 SSSR, MKI G 01 J 1 / 44, No. 4418829 / 31-25; Zajavl. 03.05.88 [in Russian].
25. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Koder znakovoj del'ta-moduljacii, 4 p. A. s. 1711332 SSSR, MKI H 03 M 3/00, No. 4714774 / 24; Zajavl. 04.07.89; published 07.02.92, Bull. 5 [in Russian].
26. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Amplitudno-vremennoj analizator, 4 p. A. s. 1746523 SSSR, MKI H 03 K 5/22, No. 4876739 / 21; Zajavl. 22.10.90; published 07.07.92, Bull. 25 [in Russian].
27. Pogribnoj V. A., et al. Adaptivnyj avtokorreljator, 5 p. A. s. 1774345 SSSR, MKI G 06 F 15 / 336, No. 4791432 / 24; Zajavl. 14.02.90; published 07.11.92, Bull. 41 [in Russian].
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50. Hrytsyk V. V., Bun' R. A., Dachuk V. S. A diacoptical approach to modelling a bio-geochemical carbon cycle in the biosphere. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, No. 4, 77— 81 (1997) [In Ukrainian].
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58. Dragan Ya. P., Pogribnoj V. A.,  Rozhankovskij I. V., et al. Issledovanie tormoznogo rentgenovskogo izluchenija v jeksperimente SAMBO. In: Magnitosfernye vozmushhenija v period jeksperimenta SAMBO-79, 9—15 (IZMIRAN, Moscow, 1980) [in Russian].
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78. Parallel Processing of Information. Vol. 3: Vychislitel'nye sistemy, struktury i sredy dlja reshenija zadach bol'shoj razmernosti, V. V. Gritsyk, 288 p. (Nauk. dumka, Kiev, 1981) (Vols. 1-5; Vol. 3) [in Russian].
79. Parallel Processing of Information. Vol. 4: Vysokoproizvoditel'nye sistemy parallel'noj obrabotki informacii, V. V. Gritsyk, 272 p. (Nauk. dumka, Kiev, 1981) (Vols. 1-5; Vol. 4) [in Russian].
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