Methods of the multiparametric adaptation of spaceborne control and computing systems with separate majority reservation

1Kharchenko, VS, 1Zenin, AP, 2Sklyar, VV
1I. Kozhedub Kharkiv Air Force University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2I. Kozhedub Kharkiv Air Force University, Kharkiv
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1999, 5 ;(5):81–91
Publication Language: Russian
We generalize the architectures of spaceborne digital fault-tolerant systems (FTS) with separate majority reservation (SRM) and three adaptive parameters (the threshold of recovering unit, number of reservation levels and number of software versions). The results of the studies of the SRM FTS with the level-threshold and level-version-threshold adaptation are presented. я методи ярусно-порогової і ярусно-версійно-порогової адаптації.
Keywords: adaptive parameters, majority reservation, spaceborne control systems
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