Effect of the intermittent hypoxia on the bone tissue state after microgravitation modeling

1Berezovskii, VA, 1Litovka, IG, 1Chaka, HG, 2Magomedov, S, 2Mehed, NV
1Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2State Institution « Institute of traumatology and orthopedics Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kiev, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000, 6 ;(2):77–84
Publication Language: Russian
We studied the influence of low Po2 under normal atmospheric pressure on the Ca and P metabolism, bone remodeling markers, and biomechanical properties of the femura bone in rats with their hind limbs unloaded. A hypoxic gas mixture (HGM) was given in intermittent regime A and В for 8 hours/day during 28 days. It was shown that regime A slows down the development of osteopenia and may be used in complex with other rehabilitation procedures for preventing the unloading osteopenia.
Keywords: biomechanical properties, hypoxia, metabolism
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