Wavelet analysis for ground-based and space measurements of local insolation

1Kurbasova, GS, 2Volvach, AE
1SRI Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Nauchnyj, AR Crimea, Ukraine
2Laboratory of Radio Astronomy, SRI Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Katsiveli, AR Crimea, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2014, 20 ;(4):42-49
Publication Language: Ukrainian

We show the possibility to use the wavelet analysis for the selection of the signal from the noise and for the noise statistical analysis in long sequences of local ground-based and satellite observations on the basis of the NASA satellite measurements of the insolation and ground-based measurements in the «Nikitsky Garden» (Crimea, the latitude is 44.5° and the longitude is 34.2°). Our choice of the analysis method, type of wavelets and their parameters are justified. An analysis of the results of noise evaluations for space and ground-based observations is performed.

Keywords: insolation, noise evaluations, wavelet analysis

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