Conceptions of the active space debris

1Alpatov, AP, 2Bombardelli, C, 3Khoroshylov, SV
1Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2- School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China;
2Madrid Technical University, Madrid, Spain
3Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015, 21 ;(6):56–61
Publication Language: Russian

We review the presentations and summarize the main results, which were given during the Ukrainian — European seminar on active removal of space debris (20—21 May, 2015, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine). This seminar was hold as a part of the program of the 5th International Conference “Space Technologies: Present and Future”.

Keywords: space debris

1. Alpatov A.P., Zakrzhevskii A.E. Ways of Decrease of Chemical Propellant Expenditure in Control System of Spacecraft 'Shepherd'. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 80—81 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

2. Alpatov A.P., Zakrzhevskii A.E., Merino M. Calculation of Impact from Plume of Ion Thruster to Orbital Debris. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 84 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

3. Alpatov A.P., Savchuk A.P., Fokov A.A., Khoroshylov S.V. Use of Information About Contour of Space Debris Objects (SDO) for Relative Motion Control of 'Shepherd - SDO' System. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 82 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

4. Bombardelli C., Alpatov A. P., Pirozhenko A. V., et al. Project "space sheppard" with ion beam. Ideas and problems. Kosn. nauka tehnol., 20 (2), 55—60 (2014) [in Russian].

5. Bombardelli C., Gonzalo J.L., and Urrutxua H. Performance analysis for carrier upper stage deorbiting by an ion Beam Shepherd. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 80 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

6. Dron' N. M., Golubek A. V., Horol'skij P. G., Dubovik L. G. Analysis of methods of removal of space objects from Earth orbit. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 80 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

7. Malysheva N.R. Some legal problems arising in connection to active debris removal. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 81 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

8. Maslova A., Pirozhenko A. A simplified model of the ion beam forces acting on the ball. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 81 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

9. Palij A.S. On the method of designing the aerodynamic systems for disposal of spacecraft. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 26 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

10. Panasenko O. Je., Bondarenko S. G. On the issue of ways to combat space debris. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 81 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

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12. Stelmakh O. International legal regime of ensuring transparency of activities in outer space. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 82 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

13. Khramov D. Visual modelling of the satellite dynamics in the Leosweep project. International Conference "Space Technologies: Present and Future": Abstracts. P. 83 (Dnepropetrovsk, 2015) [in Russian].

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