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Found 2178 results
Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
1Lobanov LM, 1Milenin OS, 1Ternovyi Ye.G, 1Piskun NV, 1Hlushak SO, 1Statkevich II, 1Radchenko LM. Regularities of porosity formation in electron beam welding of aluminium alloys under lower gravity. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(3):57-66.
1Salnikov NN, 1Melnychuk SV, 1Gubarev VF, 1Maksymyuk LV, 1Shevchenko VM. Relative motion parameters estimation of a non-cooperative spacecraft from visual information. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(3):16-23.
1Vambol OO, 1Kaluzhynov IV, 1Barakhov KP, 2Kondratiev AV. A review and analysis of existing guided precision airdrop systems. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(5):033-050.
1Mitikov Yu.O, 1Bilogurov SO. Scientific-technical aspects of the first in the world Ukrainian space complex "RAINBOW". Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(1):74-86.
1Kordyum EL. Space biology projects in Ukraine: nowadays trends. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(1):36-51.
1Zyelyk Ya.I, 1Chornyy SV, 1Fedorov OP, 1Pidgorodetska LV, 1Kolos LM. Spatial resolution enhancement of the land surface thermal field imagery based on multiple regression models on multispectral data from various space systems. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(1):03-14.
1Fedorenko AK, 1Klymenko Yu.O, 1Cheremnykh OK, 1Kryuchkov Ye.I, 1Zhuk IT. Specific acoustic-gravity wave modes in isothermal atmosphere. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(2):45-53.
1Mezentsev O, 2Mironyuk S, 2Osinovyj GG, 2Kozis KV. Structures of adaptive signal processing systems for external information radio location sensors in correlation-extreme aircraft navigation systems. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(6):102-106.
1Nuncio Zuniga A, 1Fink W. Suitability of silicone in soft-robotic exploration of terrestrial and extraterrestrial ocean worlds. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(3):47-56.
1Kalynychenko DS, 2Man'ko TA, 2Pavlenko VM, 3Pavlenko TYu. Technical and economic substantiation of the air launch aerospace system parameters. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(2):03-09.
