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Found 2188 results
Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
1Kostornov AG, 1Shapoval AA, 2Shapoval IV. Skeletal heat conductivity of porous metal fiber materials. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(2):70-77.
1Lavrich Yu.N, 1Plaksin SV, 1Pogorelaja LM, 1Bistrov NI. Some features of the applied reliability of space control radar stations. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(3):13-27.
1Ilchenko MYu., 1Narytnyk TM, 2Prysiazhnyi VI, 2Kapshtyk SV, 3Matvienko SA. Space infrastructure of the Internet of things. State and prospects of development. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(6):065-084.
1Kordyum EL, 1Brykov VO. Statoliths displacement in root statocytes in real and simulated microgravity. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(2):78-84.
1Artemenko OA. The study of the functional state of lipid rafts in the cytoplasmic membrane of Pisum Sativum seedlings under clinorotation. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(5):035-046.
1Degtyarev MA, 1Akimov DV, 1Bilous AS, 2Avramov KV. Thermal strength of retention compartment interacting with exhaust gas. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(4):03-10.
1Kozhukhov ОМ. Throughput of the optical telescope for observing LEO objects. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(3):28-38.
Anon. To the 90th birthday of Academician Vadim I. Lyalko . Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(4):91-92.
1Zolotko OE, 1Zolotko OV, 1Sosnovska OV, 1Aksyonov OS, 1Savchenko IS. Tte stage deorbiting with a deceleration pulse detonation engine. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(4):32-41.
1Baranets NV, 1Ruzhin Yu.Ya., 2Vojta J. Wave-particle interaction during electron beam-modulated injection into the ionospheric plasma. Theory and experiment. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(6):016-037.
