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Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
1Nemoshkalenko VV. Physical-chemical processes under microgravity («Morphos» Project). Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):133-133.
1Cherepin VT, 2Kamelin AB, 3Kuntsevich VM, 4Lychak MM. Planning and management of on-board experiments at the scientific orbital laboratory in the structure of the ISS. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):142-150.
1Kordyum EL. Prebiotic synthesis in open space and exobiology («Biolaboratory» Project). Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):119-119.
1Kiforenko BN, 1Vasil'ev IYu. Problems in the optimization of manned interplanetary expeditions. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(1):03-55.
1Egorov AM, 1Fainberg Ya.В, 1Karas' VG, 1Kharchenko IF, 2Nazarenko ОК, 3Sitalo VG. Proposals for the ISS: «Ablation» Experiment Modeling of the processes and phenomena in the near space using the complex of charge-particle sources and ehf-generator. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):081-082.
1Trefilov VI, 1Schur DV. Proposals for the ISS: «Accumulator» Sub-Experiment of the «Resource» Experiment Properties of metal hydrides under microgravity. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):034-034.
1Trefilov VI, 1Morozov IA, 1IItsenko AI, 1Kuprianova EA, 1Morozova RA, 1Panashenko VM. Proposals for the ISS: «Accumulator» Sub-Experiment of the «Resource» Experiment Properties of hydrogen-capacious compounds and ceramic materials activated with hydrogen. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):035-036.
1Bass VP. Proposals for the ISS: «Aeros» Experiment physical and aeronomical experiments aboard the ISS. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):057-060.
1Khizhnyak AI, 2Didkovskij LV. Proposals for the ISS: «Approach» Experiment Approach of space debris to the orbital spacecraft. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):082-083.
1Firstov SA, 2Vasil'ev AD. Proposals for the ISS: «Astro» Sub-Experiment of the «Resource» Experiment Development of bearings and turbine rotors and other frictional parts made of ceramics. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2000 ;6(4):032-033.
