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Found 2178 results
Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
1Epishev VP, 1Kudak VI, 1Motrunich II, 1Perig VM, 1Neubauer IF, 2Prysiazhnyi VI. Determination of the orientation of the artificial Earth satellite in the case of diffusive scattering of light by its surface. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(1):61-69.
1Pastukhov AO, 1Krisanova NV, 1Pozdnyakova NG, 1Borysov AA, 1Sivko RV, 1Nazarova AG, 1Kalynovska LM, 1Borisova TO. Development of neuroprotection approaches for long-term space missions. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(6):52-62.
Anon. "Exploring the Earth from space was the essence of his scientific life" - a word of memory for Prof. Vadym I. Lyalko, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(6):85-86.
1Yatskiv Ya.S. From the history of space research in Ukraine. 1. The performance of space research as of 1991 year. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(4):78-88.
1Zhurilo DYu., 1Gutnyk MV, 1Zhurilo AG. George de Bothezat and his contribution into the world aviation and astronautics. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(1):70-80.
1Zakharov IG, 1Chernogor LF. Global and local effects of seismic activity in the ionosphere. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(6):12-24.
1Fys MM, 1Zazuliak PM, 1Sohor AR. Gravity potential and its component of centrifugal force inside the ellipsoidal planet. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(4):71-77.
1Yemelyanov MO, 2Shelestov AYu., 2Yailymova HO, 1Shumilo LL. Impact of climate change on the area of major crops. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(2):30-38.
1Ben Bahri O. Impact of Didactic Satellite in Space Maturity Improvement: A Review Paper. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(2):39-47.
1Grishchak VZ, 2Hryshchak DV, 3Dyachenko NM, 4Baburov VV. The influence of the Gaussian curvature sign of the compound shell structure’s middle surface on local and overall buckling under combined loading. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(4):31-38.
