Controlled levitators for space technologies

1Paslavsky, ES
1Space Research Institute of National Academy of Science of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001, 7 ;(2-3):016-026
Publication Language: Russian
We analyze the possibilities of using existing contactless, spatially distributed force effects on a working body (processed samples of materials) with the aim to equilibrate microgravitation. The electromagnetic induction force effect is shown to be the most promisiny in the levitators intended for special metallurgy. It is capable to provide in the most simple way the necessary functions of contactless containment, automatic control, and stabilization of the working body (sample). The parameters and working regimes of spaceborne levitators were approximately calculated. The main computed parameters of spaceborne levitators are compared to the actual parameters of ground-based levitators.
Keywords: controlled levitators, electromagnetic induction force effect, special metallurgy
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