About one of the approaches to the assessment of the technical level of geostationary communication satellites

1Petlyak, EA, 2Marchenko, VT
1Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine
2Institute of Technical Mechanics of the NAS of Ukraine and SSA of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2020, 26 ;(5):005-014
Publication Language: Ukrainian
The purpose of the study is to develop a methodological approach to the problem of a quantitative assessment of the technical level (technical excellence) of geostationary telecommunication satellites (GTS). The technical level indicator is a quantitative measure for assessing the perfection of the design of a product and the quality of products (services) produced with its use. This is an important technical and economic indicator of experimental design work. The value of the technical level indicator is one of the determining factors in the competitiveness of the created space system. The paper discusses the existing methodological approaches to the quantitative assessment of the technical level of science-intensive and technically complex products.
         We present a new approach to determine the composition of technical performance markers for calculating the GTS technical level indicator allowing  a formal description of the beneficial effect and a logical scheme for quantifying the technical level. The methodological approach to calculate the degree of influence of technical efficiency indicators on the value of the beneficial effect of the use of GTS is stated as well. It is based on a mathematical model of the hierarchy analysis introduced by T. Saaty, complemented by us with mathematical models for the best consideration of GTS technical features. It allowed us to ensure control of errors and contradictions in expert judgments involved in the preparation of initial data of unmeasurable or hardly measurable techno-economic indicators of GTS. Due to the higher level of formalization of the process of quantifying the technical level and the application of mathematical methods used in modern decision theory, the developed methodological approach serves to improve the quality of calculations significantly and to reduce the influence of the subjective factor in determining the value of the technical level indicator. Based on the above, we developed a method for quantitative assessment of the GTS technical level that meets the modern requirements.
Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, geostationary telecommunication satellite, quantitative assessment of the technical level, space technology, spacecraft
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