Space Life Sciences

«Electromagnetic Radiation» Experiment Study of the negative influence of electromagnetic radiation produced by radio electronic devices on board the iss on the homeostatic system of astronauts

«Microflora» Experiment Influence of space flight factors on biological properties of human resident microflora: experiments in vivo and in vitro

«Neuroprotection» Experiment Maintenance of a capacity for work of astronauts during a space mission: new technology based on selected gaseous mixtures

«Homeostasis-2» Experiment Evaluation of oxidant and immune homeostasis in persons exposed to adverse influence of space factors. prophylaxis and correction of pathological changes

«Telediagnostics» Experiment Study of the influence of ionizing radiation and other space factors on a human organism by telemedicine and computer diagnostic technique

«Osteoprotection» Experiment Skeletal effects of microgravity and protector effects of intermittent gaseous mixtures with low oxygen content on ostopenia
