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Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
1Shuvalov VA, 2Kochubey GS, 2Priymak AI, 3Gubin VV, 2Reznichenko NP. Simulation of radiative electrization of spacecraft leeward surfaces in the ionosphere. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(5-6):030-043.
1Klymenko Yu.A, 1Cheremnykh ОК, 1Yatsenko VA, 1Maslova NV. State and prospects of creating new generation microsatellites: new materials, nanotechnology and architecture. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(2-3):053-065.
1Baranov GL, 1Baranov VL, 2Kovbasiuk SV. Statistical characteristics of differential spectrum of spasecraft trajectory. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(4):147–153.
1Baibuz OG, 1Zemlyanaya SV, 1Pristavka FA. Strategy comparison for space vehicles' active existence terms estimation during protracted acceptance testing. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(Supplement1):015-018.
1Adamchuk NI, 1Fomishyna RM, 1Mykhaylenko NF, 1Zolotareva HK. Structure-functional changes of mesophyll cells of 12-days old clinorotated pea seedlings. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(Supplement1):170-172.
1Arlekinova ОЕ. Study of load parameters of ILV «ZENIT-3SL» during its standing at the launch platform. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(Supplement1):020-022.
1Ischenko VI, 1Zimchuk IV. Synthesis of adaptive estimate algorithms under conditions of instability parametric vagueness. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(4):133-136.
1Fedorovskyi OD, 2Dargeyko LF, 3Zubko VP, 1Yakimchuk VG. A system approach to the estimation of the efficiency of hardware complexes for remote Earth sounding. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(5-6):075-079.
1Makarenko BI, 2Kulishenko VF, 1Petrov AF, 3Volokh KF, 4Zhukov ET. System of synchronization and common time for ground automated complex of control by Ukrainian spacecrafts. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(4):107-113.
1Kozlov VA, 1Luk'ianov AM, 2Nozdrin IG. Technical premises of area expansion of European geostationary navigation overlay service action zone on Ukrainian region. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(4):022-024.
