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1Voloshin VI, 2Shapar AG, 3Peremetchik NN. Study of dangerous exogenous processes located on Dnepropetrovsk city territory using satellite images. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2005 ;11(5-6):051-055.
1Marenets MA, 2Fomin S, 1Buller MF, 1Banishevsky VV. Study of chemical compatibility of components of conversion explosive compositions. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004 ;10(Supplement1):094-097.
1Fedorenko AK, 1Kryuchkov EI, 1Cheremnykh OK, 1Zhuk IT, 1Voitsekhovska AD. Studies of wave disturbances in the mid-latitude mesosphere on VLF radio network data. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(1):48-61.
1Cheremnykh ОК, 2Yampolski Yu.M, 3Agapitov AV, 2Zalizovski AV, 3Ivchenko VN, 4Kozak LV, 1Parnovski АS, 5Rapoport Yu.G, 1Selivanov Yu.A, 2Koloskov AV, et al. Studies of MHD oscillations of the Earth’s inner magnetosphere in the RESONANCE mission. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2013 ;19(2):05–42.
1Mezentsev O, 2Mironyuk S, 2Osinovyj GG, 2Kozis KV. Structures of adaptive signal processing systems for external information radio location sensors in correlation-extreme aircraft navigation systems. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(6):102-106.
1Adamchuk NI, 1Fomishyna RM, 1Mykhaylenko NF, 1Zolotareva HK. Structure-functional changes of mesophyll cells of 12-days old clinorotated pea seedlings. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(Supplement1):170-172.
1Kalinina NE, 1Deinega AV. Structure changing during of maraging-type steels. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2002 ;8(Supplement1):113-115.
1Ryabtsev SI, 1Kutseva NA, 1Ryabtsev IS. Structure and properties modification of Fe-Nd-B films at isothermal delay. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2002 ;8(Supplement1):138-140.
1Krivonosov AI, 1Kulakov AA, 1Baida NK, 2Kharchenko VS, 3Blagodarny NP. Structure algorithm organization and reliability models of reserved systems. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1995 ;1(1):74–79.
1Gubarev VF, 1Samoilenko LI, 1Ilyепко TV, 1Pidgorodetska LV, 1Kolos LM, 1Kirnosova MA. The structural purpose model oh space activity in Ukraine. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2005 ;11(3-4):103-111.
