Method for automatic scheduling for LEO object's observations at fixed telescope

1Kozyrev, ES, 2Kozhukhov, ОМ, 1Sybiryakova, Ye.S
1Scientific-Research Institute «Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory», Mykolaiv, Ukraine
2National Space Facilities Control and Test Center, State Space Agency of Ukraine, 8, Kniaziv Ostrozkykh Str., Kyiv, 01010 Ukraine
Space Sci.&Technol. 2017, 23 ;(4):71-77
Publication Language: Russian
We propose a heuristic method for automatic scheduling for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) object’s observations with the automatic telescope. The method is based on the solution of the dynamic problem of scheduling theory by the criterion of the maximum weighted sum of the revolutions being observed (tracks). The priority of observation of the object to which the given track belongs is used as the track’s weight. We describe an effectiveness of this method applying it to the LEO objects observations at the Research Institute "Mykolaiv Astronomical Observatory".
Keywords: LEO objects, observations scheduling, positional optical observations
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