Methods of active and passive electronic protection small ground objects from radiometric millimeterdetection systems

1Bykov, VN, 2Osinovyj, GG, 2Kozis, KV
1V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Yangel Yuzhnoye State Design Office, Dnipro, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2023, 29 ;(5):099-105
Publication Language: English
We evaluate the probability and detection range of small-sized ground objects, including mobile objects, by passive-and-active radiometric detection and identification systems of millimeter range. We applied various methods allowing us to take into account a great number of factors (strength and multi-positional structure of a lighting source, pass bandwidth of a receiver of a radiometric (RM) system, characteristics of an antenna of a lighting source and RM system) and conditions for RM system sighting (sighting angles, dimensions and configuration of an object, influence of atmospheric hydrometeors) which affect the process of detection or non-detection of small-sized ground objects. Analytical expressions and formulas obtained in this study allow evaluation of the influence of applied methods and protection means on the detection process; i.e., evaluation of the efficiency of means for reduction of signature of small-sized ground mobile objects from radiometric detection systems of millimeter range.
       The paper presents a theoretical model for determining the probability and range of detection of a small ground object by a radiometric system. This model takes into account the possibility of using an active-passive radiometric system as well as active and passive means of reducing object visibility. The model made it possible to obtain generalized formulas both for the object-to-background radio brightness contrast and for the detection range of the object in the presence of illumination sources.
       Based on numerical simulation, it was shown the effectiveness of the worked-out model. In addition, it is shown that due to the use of an adjustable source of noise illumination, it is possible to significantly reduce the visibility of the object in dynamic conditions. The results of the paper outline the ways of development of modern high-tech methods of passive and active protection of ground objects from radiometric reconnaissance and weapon guidance systems.
Keywords: mask coatings, matrix correlation-extreme detection systems, millimeter range, passive-and-active protection systems

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