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1Pylypenko OV, 1Khoroshylov SV, 1Nikolayev DO. Development of vibration protection systems of spacecraft – state of the art and perspectives. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(5):003-019.
1Avramov KV, 1Uspensky BV, 2Derevyanko II, 2Degtyarev MO, 1Polishchuk OF, 1Chernobryvko MV. Dynamic properties of nanocomposite and three-layer thin-walled aerospace elements manufactured by additive technologies. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(1):52-64.
1Khorkavtsiv Ya.D, 1Lobachevska OV, 1Kyyak NYa., 2Kordyum EL. Effect of DNA methylation on gravisensitivity of mosses. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(4):106-118.
1Yemets AI, 1Plokhovska SH, 1Shadrina RYu., 1Kravets OA, 1Blume Ya.B. Elucidation of cellular mechanisms of autophagy involvement in plant adaptation to microgravity conditions. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(2):22-31.
1Golubek AV, 2Dron' MM, 3Petrenko OM. Estimation of the possibility of using electric propulsion system for large-sized orbital debris postmission disposal. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(3):34-46.
1Dreus AYu., 1Dron ММ, 1Dubovik LG, 1Strembovskyi VV. Evaluation of the possibility of using polymers in the bodies of promising launch vehicles based on the heat resistance factor. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(6):003-012.
1Krisanova NV, 1Dudarenko MV, 1Pastukhov AO, 1Sivko RV, 1Kalynovska LM, 1Driuk MM, 1Nazarova AG, 1Gutich IІ, 1Shliakhovyi VV, 1Pozdnyakova NG. Evaluation of the potential neuroactivity in the brain nerve terminals of the C60 fullerene planetary dust component. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(5):060-068.
1Yatskiv Ya.S. From the history of space research in Ukraine. 2. Іnternational cooperation in peaceful space research and exploration (19571987). Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(2):97-111.
1Fedoniuk TP, 1Skydan OV, 2Melnichuk TV, 1Zymaroieva AA, Pazych VM. GIS-based landscape management of the Uzh river basin: a strategy to enhance river water quality. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(4):043-066.
1Pyvovar PV, 1Topolnytskyi PP, 1Skydan OV, 2Yanchevskii SL. GIS-based land-use/land cover change analysis: a case study of Zhytomyr region, Ukraine. Space Science and Technology. 2023 ;29(4):024-042.
