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Filters: Author is G.V. Lizunov and Keyword is ionosphere [Clear All Filters]
Space project "IONOSAT – MICRO": readiness for implementation. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(6):03-11.
. Atmospheric gravity waves among other physical mechanisms of seismic-ionospheric coupling. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(3):55-80.
Height of the penetration into the ionosphere for internal atmosphere gravity waves. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2014 ;20(4):31-41.
Coupling of the weather system in the atmosphere and in space. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2008 ;14(5):006-036.
. The ionospheric satellite cluster Ionosats. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2007 ;13(3):055-066.