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1Alpatov AP, 2Goldshtein Yu.M. Assessment perspectives for the orbital utilization of space debris. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(3):03-12.
1Astapenko VN, 2Bushuev Ye.I, 3Zubko VP, 1Ivanov VI, 1Khorolskyi PP. Assessment of the national market demand for high-resolution remote sensing data. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2002 ;8(1):015-022.
1Kashanov OYe. Assessment of the effect of exposure factors on rocket systems development. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2015 ;21(6):13–19.
1Shabokhin VA. Assessing the interaction between free-molecule gas flow and a satellite from experimental data. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1998 ;4(2):113–116.
1Fedorovskyi OD, 2Sirenko LA, 3Zvenigorodskii EL, 2Ivanovа IYu., 1Sukhanov KYu., 1Yakimchuk VG. Assessing the ecological state of water bodies with the use of information from space apparatuses. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(3):103–106.
1Fedorovskyi OD, 1Khyzhniak AV, 1Tomchenko OV. Assessing aquatic enviromnemt quality of the urban water bodies by system analysis methods based on integrating remote sensing data. Space Science and Technology. 2021 ;27(5):011-018.
1Kushnariov AP, 1Pysnniev VN, 1Degtyarev MA, 1Demchenko АV. Assesment of cost indexes for launch vehicle with reusable lower stage. Space Science and Technology. 2017 ;23(4):15-19.
1Borisova TA, 1Krisanova NV, 2Himmelreich NH. Artificial gravity and glutamatergic transmission in cerebral hemispheres. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2002 ;8(5-6):062-065.
1Rykhlova LV, 1Klyuikov AA. Artificial Earth Satellite: space geodesy and geodynamics. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(4):57-74.
1Koshovy VV, 1Ivantyshyn ОL, 2Nogach RТ, 3Chernogor LF, 1Nazarchuk ZT, 2Melnyk MO, 2Kalita BI, 1Kharchenko BC, 1Romanyshyn IM, 1Lozynskyi AB, et al. Artificial acoustic modification of the near-earth environment. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(2):19-58.
