Topical issues of the use of water in space flights of moderate duration

1Yakovlev, VV, 1Lishchyna, VD
1O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2008, 14 ;(2):92-96
Publication Language: Russian
We propose to use the separate potable water provision of space flights of moderate duration, as the problem of sufficient regeneration of potable water has not been resolved up to the present. We point to some shortcomings of iodation and silvering for disinfection and long-term storage of water in water supply systems aboard spacecrafts and propose an alternative technology with the use of flint. The sources of ecologically clean and physiologically complete potable water are substantiated in relation to the needs of water supply during space flights. We raise some problems concerning the examination of the acceptability of the water in out-of-Earth sources and some means to adaptit to drinking.
Keywords: flint, regeneration, water provision
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