Conceptual design of the space industrial platform. Problem statement

1Alpatov, AP, 2Palii, OS, 2Siutkina-Doronina, SV
1Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine; 2- School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China;
2Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2023, 29 ;(6):013-025
Publication Language: Ukrainian
The objective of this paper is to formulate a complex problem of optimizing the design parameters of a space industrial platform at the conceptual design stage.
       The initial stage of space industrialization was the creation of space industrial platforms in Earth orbit. At present, there are works related to the implementation of a number of technological processes in outer space, which are being studied by scientists and developers. Implementation of unique technological processes in outer space allows for obtaining materials with qualitatively new characteristics.
        The peculiarity of designing a space industrial platform is that there are practically no theoretical works related to the choice of platform parameters and the logic of its creation at the conceptual design stage. This stage is characterized by the fact that, apart from the general idea of the platform layout, the expected types of main service systems, some initial data, and the parameters of the technological processes to be implemented on the platform, there is little else known. The process of designing a new complex space system, such as an industrial platform, is a multi-level iterative and optimization process, during which its characteristics and mass production are determined and refined.
          The article analyzes the configurations of existing orbital stations as a prototype of space industrial platforms and determines the ranges of the main parameters of their modules. A set of parameters of technological processes in vacuum and zero gravity conditions that can be implemented on a space industrial platform is formed. The relationship between the technological and basic modules of the industrial platform is shown. The structure of a complex mathematical model of the space industrial platform functioning is developed. To ensure successful work at the conceptual design stage, a general statement of the problem of optimizing the mass of the space industrial platform is formulated. The minimum mass and dimensions of the space platform obtained as a result of the optimization are used to further refine the optimal parameters of the platform and, therefore, affect the formation of conditions for the implementation of the technological process.
         The algorithm of the sequence of operations for solving the problem of optimal design of a space industrial platform is shown in general.
Keywords: conceptual design, functional features, optimization, space industrial platform, statistical indicators, technological processes

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