Peculiarities of the distribution and detection of cosmic rays, gamma-ray bursts, and other high-energy sources

1Fedorov, Yu.I, 1Kolesnyk, Yu.L, Sergijenko, O, 1Vasylenko, AA
1Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Space Sci. & Technol. 2023, 29 ;(6):093-101
Publication Language: Ukrainian
The importance of using databases of scientific space missions for fundamental astrophysical research is demonstrated. Based on the spacecraft data and the obtained solutions of the transport equation, the estimates of level of the cosmic rays modulation in the heliospheric magnetic fields were made. Based on the archives of ground-based and space telescope observations in the radio and optical ranges, the radio properties of a sample of isolated active galactic nuclei in the nearby Universe have been systematized. Opportunities that may arise from the databases of future multiwavelength space missions are also considered.

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