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1Kolobrodov VG, 2Lykholit MI, 2Tiagur VM, 1Vasylkovska IO. Algorithm for determining the probability of target detection and recognition by an aviation thermal vision system limited by noise. Space Science and Technology. 2024 ;30(3):22-30.
1Zimchuk IV, 1Ischenko VI. An algorithm for digital correction of the orbital gygocompass of a space vehicle. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2006 ;12(2-3):012-015.
1Ivanova GA, 1Makarova AS, 1Zavelion VI, 1Kostritsyn OYu. Algorithm for global thermal calculations of temperature control systems in space vehicles. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1998 ;4(1):87–89.
1Kirillov AI, 1Kapustin Ye.I, 1Kirillova NA, 2Makhonin EI, 2Volokh KF. Algorithm for planning of realization of thematic programs of the Earth remote sensing. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2007 ;13(2):039-042.
1Kovbasiuk SV, 2Makhonin EI, 1Pysarchuk ОО. The algorithm for the determination of spacecraft orbit parameters with the use of the Doppler gauge system. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004 ;10(4):027-031.
1Kulikov SP. Algorithm for the synthesis of a space-based radio-navigational observation system for a single survey of the Earth surface. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(3):74–77.
1Stasev Yu.V, 1Pastukhov NV. Algorithm for the synthesis of orthogonal systems of signals and their properties. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 1996 ;2(3):69–73.
1Nabivach VE, 2Opanasenko VM, 1Semeniv OV, 1Yatsenko VO. An algorithm of determination for spacecraft orientation with the use of a star sensor. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2011 ;17(1):84-89.
1Khoroshylov SV. The algorithm to control the in-plane relative motion of a spacecraft for contactless space debris removal. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(1):14-26.
1Kortunov VI, 1Kulik AS. Algorithmic monitoring of the working capacity of spacecraft jet engines. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001 ;7(5-6):008-012.
