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Author Title [ Year(Asc)]
1Savchuk VS, 2Kushlakova NM, 3Vavilova IB. Nikolai Kibalchich in the history of world rocket-space technics: discussion questions of domestic and world historiography. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(6):70-83.
1Kondratiev AV, 2Kovalenko VO. Optimization of design parameters of the main composite fairing of the launch vehicle under simultaneous force and thermal loading. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(4):03-21.
1Mahdin EK, 1Dmytrenko YS, 1Tolochyants HE, 1Mikhaylov MS, 1Filippov VV, 1Ohlikh VV. Optimization of the design of pulse solid-propellant rocket engines with metal bodies by their association in the monoblock compartment made of high-strength plastic. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(6):33-38.
1Kokhanov AB, 1Venediktov Yu.I, 1Barabanov NA, 1Venediktov AYu. “PION” device for studying ionospheric plasma on board of a micro-satellite based on the "YuzhSat" platform. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(2):38-42.
1Fedorov OP, 1Samoylenko LI, 1Kolos LM, 1Pidgorodetska LV. Problems of using satellite data to the assessment of sustainable development goals of Ukraine. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(3):40-56.
1Dron NM, 2Golubek AV, 3Dreus АYu., 3Dubovik LG. Prospects for the use of the combined method for deorbiting of large-scale space debris from near-Earth space. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(6):61-69.
1Berdnyk OI, 1Lysenko YO, 1Kaliapin MD, 1Buhaienko TK. Reusable lunar lander. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(5):03-10.
1Degtyarev AV. Round table of the University's Rectors and problems of aerospace education. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(3):57-59.
1Vasylyev VV, 2Godunok LA, 2Derkach SV, 2Matviienko SA. A stand for working out and testing of mutual measurement systems for the position of two spacecrafts. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(1):03-13.
1Tkachenko AI. Strengthened convergence of estimations in the in-flight geometric calibration. Space Science and Technology. 2019 ;25(4):41-47.
