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1Voloshin VI, 2Levenko AS. Analysis of tendencies of Earth's remote sensing market development. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2008 ;14(2):13-21.
1Grytsai AV, 2Milinevsky GP. Analysis of the discrepancy between ground-based and satellite total ozone content measurements at Kyiv-Goloseyev station. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2014 ;20(1):03-13.
1Degtyarev AV, 2Makarov AL, 3Matvienko SA, 4Prokopov AV, 5Romanko VN. An analysis of the outlook for widening functional capabilities of the Ukrainian geostationary communication satellite. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2012 ;18(1):05-12.
1Radionov AV, 2Selezov IT. Analysis of the possibility of using magnetic-liquid devices in space technology. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2002 ;8(Supplement2):375-379.
1Ermilov Yu.V. Analysis of vibroacoustic condition of rocket engines by radar techniques. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2002 ;8(5-6):107-111.
1Pirozhenko AV, 1Maslova AI, 2Vasyliev VV. Analytical model of satellite motion in almost circular orbits under the influence of zonal harmonics of geopotential. Space Science and Technology. 2022 ;28(4):18-30.
1Danylevsky VO. Angular properties of the solar light scattering in the terrestrial atmosphere observed by the ScanPol instrument of the AEROSOL-UA project. Space Science and Technology. 2020 ;26(6):060-074.
1Konyukhov SN, 1Podolinniy AM, 1Pankratov Yu.P. Anniversary of Prometheus. To the eighty-fifth anniversary of N.F. Gerasiuta, the Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004 ;10(5-6):233-236.
1Grigorenko Ye.I, 1Pazura SA, 1Taran VI, 2Chernogor LF. Anomalous ionospheric storm on 20–23 March 2003: some results of measurements and simulation. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2005 ;11(3-4):004-019.
1Grigorenko Ye.I, 1Lysenko VN, 1Pazura SA, 1Taran VI, 2Chernogor LF. Anomalous ionospheric storm on 21 March 2003. Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004 ;10(1):004-011.
