Hyperspectral aerospace imagery spectral bands optimal selection in solving remote sensing thematic tasks

1Stankevich, SA
1State institution «Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2007, 13 ;(2):025-028
Publication Language: Russian
We offer an approach to hyperspectral aerospace imagery optimal spectral bands selection on the basis of informativity criterion which includes remote sensing objects spectra separability as the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the equivalent spatial resolution of the given spectral bands combination for given remote sensing objects and the equivalent signal-to-noise ratio during the detection of remote sensing objects by their multidimensional optical signals. The logic of hyperspectral aerospace imagery optimal spectral bands selection in solving remote sensing thematic tasks on the basis of pseudogradient search of possible combinations of spectral bands in space is specified. We present quantitative results of multi- and hyperspectral aerospace imagery optimal spectral bands selection in solving some thematic tasks of the remote sensing.
Keywords: aerospace imagery, remote sensing, spectra separability
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