Adaptive disturbance compensation for satellite radio-navigation systems

1Skoryk, ET, 2Kriukov, AV
1State Enterprise Research Institute "Quantum-Navigation" Industrial Policy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2001, 7 ;(4):126-132
Publication Language: Russian
It is analyzed the problem to ensure the antijamming of users equipment of satellite radio-navigation system (SRHS) based on the adaptive suppression of the active disturbance in a zone of SRHS application by responsible users (aviation, navy, power structures and others). It is suggested the algorithm of two-stage adaptive disturbance suppression (algorithm «adaptive-adaptive» or A ). This algorithm, as analysis shiws, gives a considerable economy of the technical and program means (for some conditions - till two orders) in comparison with algorithm of the completely adaptive antenna arrays.
Keywords: adaptive compensation, antijamming, radio-navigation
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