Ground-based and satellite-borne monitoring of total ozone field over the Ukraine

1Belokrinitskaya, LM, 1Kalinina, IV, 2Kruchenitsky, GM
1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Central Aerological Observatory of Roshydromet, Dolgoprudnyj, Russia
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004, 10 ;(4):096-103
Publication Language: Russian
We analysed observational data on total ozone field over the Ukraine obtained by the use of ground and space-borne measuring instruments since the 1970s to the present day. Comparative estimates of the performance of ground-based measuring means used in the Ukraine and abroad are derived. Climatic norms, linear and square-law TO trends for the Ukraine are calculated and compared with similar data for the corresponding latitudinal belt. It is shown that TO variations are not unidirectional but are oscillatory in character.
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