Monitoring of the geocentre motions on the basis of DORIS, GPS, and SLR DATA

1Kuzin, SP, 1Tatevian, SK
1Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2004, 10 ;(5-6):156-158
Publication Language: Russian
We give the results of regression analysis of geocentre variations time series which are derived at the Institute of Astronomy of RAS on the basis of DORIS data for a time interval of 1999.2 to 2002.6. In addition, we present the results of analysis of geocentre variations on the basis of DORIS (IGN/JPL analysis centre) and GPS (JPL) data for ten-year period of time as well as on the basis of SLR (CSR) data for eight-year period of time. Annual and semiannual signals with amplitudes from 1.2 to 18.5 mm and some shorter periods are found for all time series. The amplitudes of some short-periodic signals are comparable with the amplitudes of semiannual signals. The secular trend of the geocentre motion with a velocity of a few millimetres per year is found.
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