Plasma motions above the temperature minimum region

1Gopasyuk, SI, 1Gopasyuk, OS
1Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ministry for Education and Science of Ukraine, Nauchnyj, Crimea, Ukraine
Kosm. nauka tehnol. 2003, 9 ;(5-6):140-143
Publication Language: Russian
Above umbra of some sunspots, plasma can be accelerated from 0.1 km/s above the temperature minimum region up to 16–20 km/s in the chromosphere – corona transition region. Moving plasma gets warm from 3500 К in the temperature minimum region up to 105 К in the region of the С IV λ 154.8 nm line formation. Such variation of the plasma velocity and temperature with height is possible under the effect of an external field. The force and energy magnitudes required for creating the observed velocity and temperature of the plasma are determined.
Keywords: Sun's chromosphere, Sun's corona, Sun's plasma motions, sunspots
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